Star Card

The Star Card is one of the message cards players are able to purchase and send in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Stationary and message cards are a recurring staple in the Animal Crossing series, allowing players to send letters and gifts to their animal villagers and to other players.
Star Message Card Appearance and Colors
The Star Message Card features a cream background with red in the lower-left corner and blue in the upper right corner. There is a large yellow star in the lower right corner.
The Star Card uses the color #980F00 for the header line, #068906 for the main body text, and #980F00 for the closing footer.
Star Message Card Availability
The Star Card is available year-round in both the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
How to Send the Star Message Card in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
To send the Star Card in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, go to the airport and interact with the card stand to the right of the counter. There, you can select the Star Card from the available cards, write your message, and attach any gifts to the card. Once you have finished composing your letter and adding gifts, you will have to pay 200 Bells to send the card.